Category: Events

Wondercon LogoMy first time at WonderCon was a blast. I had a fantastic time at the sister con to the mega San Diego Comic Con (SDCC). Since it this year it was in LA instead of Anaheim, I decided to give it a go. I am so glad I did!

This convention has the feel of what SDCC used to be, before the movie madness took over. At this con, there are scores of comic vendors and artists in prominent areas of the exhibit floor. Instead of being pushed far off the floor for entertainment (games, tv, movies) companies.
I arrived early every morning to get my volunteer duty out the way, leaving plenty of time to wander around. Because I had a lot of time on my hands after my duties, I was able to casually stroll about trying to decided what to see. I did not feel the urgent sense of ‘GOTTA SEE IT ALL’ as is often the case with SDCC.

In fact, I waited until Sunday to visit the exhibit hall. That was probably a mistake, lots of last day scurrying about. I learned my lesson and will visit the exhibit hall as early as possible. All in all, I had a great time at this convention and I still look forward to Geek Mecca aka SDCC.

Now here are some photos of some wonderful Cosplayers…

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